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Operation method of the Quantitative Real-time PCR

Author: [Time]:2023-09-21 [Source]: [ClickTimes]:

Introduction of Instrument

Quantitative Real-time PCR is a technology that monitors nucleic acid amplification in real time, and is a method of detecting the total amount of product after each polymerase chain reaction (PCR) cycle with fluorescent chemicals in a DNA amplification reaction.A method for quantitatively analyzing specific DNA sequences in a sample to be tested by means of an internal or external reference method.

Working Principle

Aggregation of PCR products is monitored and reported in real time by means of fluorescent dyes or fluorescently labeled specific probes, data is collected during the exponential amplification period of PCR amplification, and the amount of starting template of the sample is quantified by precise calculations using the software.


Explain: Zihan Wang,2022 master-Yichen Du’s team

Montage: Xuejie Jiang, 2022 master-Peng Zhang’s team