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Operation method of the Fluorospectrophotometer

Author: [Time]:2023-12-27 [Source]: [ClickTimes]:

Introduction of Instrument

Fluorospectrophotometer is an instrument used for scanning and detecting the fluorescence spectrum emitted by fluorescent substances in a sample.It can provide many physical parameters including excitation and emission spectra, as well as fluorescence intensity, quantum yield, etc., which reflect the bonding and structure of molecules from various angles.Using thisFluorospectrophotometerto measure the fluorescence intensity of substances can be used for qualitative identification and quantitative determination of many organic and inorganic substances, which can be applied to biochemistry, biomedicine, environment and chemical industry, etc., and is suitable for spectral scanning and three-dimensional scanning of liquid and solid samples.

Working Principle

Ultraviolet and blue-violet light emitted by a xenon lamp is irradiated into the sample cell through a filter, which excites the fluorescent substance in the sample to emit fluorescence, which is filtered and reflected and then accepted by a photomultiplier tube and displayed in the form of a graph or a number.Substance fluorescence is generated by the molecules of the substance in the base state under normal conditions to become excited after absorbing the excitation light, these molecules in the excited state are unstable, and in the process of returning to the base state will be part of the energy released in the form of light, thus generating fluorescence.Due to the different molecular structures of different substances, their excited state energy level distributions have their own different characteristics, which are reflected in the fluorescence of various substances have their own characteristic fluorescence excitation and emission spectra, so that the differences in fluorescence excitation and emission spectra can be used to qualitatively identify the substance.

Explain:Jikun Yin,2023 PhD

Photograph:Weiwei Cui, 2020 master-Wei Zhang’s team

Montage:Zhanpeng Liu, 2023 master-Yanlong Zheng’s team