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Flow cytometry

Author: [Time]:2023-09-18 [Source]: [ClickTimes]:

Instrument model:Accuri C6 PLUS


Specifications and technical parameters:

Equipped with 488 nm, 640 nm lasers, 4 fluorescence channels

Minimum sample volume:50μL

Preset fixed flow rates and sample flow diameters:

low flow =14 μL/min,sample flow =10 μm

medium flow =35 μL/min,sample flow =16 μm

high flow =66 μL/min,sample flow =22 μm

Events per sample: 1 million events/well

fluorescence linearity:2±0.05%(CEN)

Fluorescence resolution:<3% CV(CEN)

Data acquisition rate: up to 10000 events/second

Features and functions:

1、Suitable for detection of FITC、PE、PerCP-Cy™5.5和APC.

2、Absolute counting experiments without microspheres can be performed.

3、Reagents can be added externally with uninterrupted data collection, and kinetic applications include calcium flow, nanoparticle uptake, cell survival and platelet cell activation assays.

Attachments and Configurations:

1、lasers:488 nm,640 nm

2、fluorescence channel:FL1:533/30 nm(FITC/GFP),FL2:585/40 nm(PE/PI),FL3:>670 nm(PerCP, PerCP-Cy5.5, PE-Cy™7),FL4:675/25 nm(APC)

Reservation Websitehttp://